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关键字: 时间:2022.03.05
38. The court’s ruling is based on the assumption that public officials are ______.
[A] allowed to focus on the concerns of their supporters
[B] qualified to deal independently with bureaucratic issues
[C] justified in addressing the needs of their constituents
[D] exempt from conviction on the charge of favoritism
拿到这道题之后,我们首先判断题型,这道题是一道细节题。然后进行模糊定位,由于37题是在第四段得到的答案,那么38题我们可以模糊定位到第五段,下一步进行准确定位,题目中的关键词有The court’s ruling,the assumption,public officials等名词,还有动词is based on。
The court’s ruling is legally sound in defining a kind of favoritism that is not criminal. Elected leaders must be allowed to help supporters deal with bureaucratic problems without fear of prosecution for bribery. “The basic compact underlying representative government,” wrote Chief Justice John Roberts for the court, “assumes that public officials will hear from their constituents and act on their concerns.”
根据关键词我们定位到了第五段中的第一句和第三句。如果定位到两句的话,我们首先看第二句,所以我们先看第三句,根据第三句对比ABCD中的选项,看看有没有原词出现,不难发现 concerns和constituents分别出现在A选型和C选项中,这个时候我们怀疑答案出现在A和C选项中,具体是哪一个,我们根据自己对选项的理解带入到原文中进行比对,A选项中act on their concerns.中的their我们要搞清楚是谁,这个时候如果同学们能够清楚此处的指代指的是constituents的话,我们就很容易把A选项排除掉,当然我们也可以看看supporter这个词出现在文中的那个地方,这个词出现在文中的第二句当中,那么A选项就是把第二句和第三句的单词拼凑在一块,仍然可以把A选项排除掉。
如果这个时候大家实在不知道选哪个,就把C选项选出来就好了,但是可能有些同学会有疑问,我们也可以把C选项拿到原文当中去进行比对,文中说hear from their constituents,C选项说addressing the needs of their constituents,由此可知C更加符合答案,当然如果还是不放心,可以把剩下的两个选项带入到原文当中去B选项中的bureaucratic定位到第二中,尝试理解第二句,发现其中并没有出现independently这个概念,D选项中favoritism可以定位到第一句,句一legally sound in defining a kind of favoritism与D中的exempt from不相符,所以也是可以排除的,因此这个题的答案就是C选项。这个方法你学会了吗?